Monday, February 4, 2013

Richard Aldrich

Richard Aldrich is an artist that has recently emerged on the "art scene" since 2000. Having studied both philosophy and art in college, he became aware of how the two relate and exaggerate the other. He played around with the fields of electronic music and writing- poetry in particular. It's clear that Richard Aldrich finds words quite important in the realm of art, and perhaps in the way of trying to understand life more clearly in general. He works now, painting-wise, with oil paints and encaustics, utilizing mineral spirits, and in his earlier works, printed text. He deals with almost entirely abstraction, and still sometimes chooses to place seemingly random, though highly specific text, within his pieces. In fact, his larger pieces have been compared to the transitional artists' works from the 1960s. He doesn't attempt to depict the artist's studio, rather, he ensures that each piece is itself a piece of the studio. Thus, he often uses scraps and bits of paper he finds around, whether printed from a book or written on a postcard, for example. He suggests that there are opportunities for paintings all around us, and that the trick is to learn how to frame such an opportunity. 

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